Monday, September 15, 2014

Thought Vibrations

You can never be where God is not, but you will never find God unless you are seeking God.
However, God is always seeking you, drawing you in. We are shown the way by loving ourselves and others instead of judging, by letting go versus clinging, by accepting what is rather than struggling to change it, by living in accordance with the laws of Nature, with the still, quiet voice that knows the truth of ourselves.

Wicked, crazy full moon last week seems to have stirred the cosmic pot. There is a valid intellectual argument for the concept of free will, but I don't think there is any rationale that supports a belief that we control the setting of the sun, the rising of the moon, the pull of tides or the direction of the wind. As I watched the chaos going on in the world, in the world at large and in my circle of the world, in the hearts and minds of those I care for and in my own heart and mind, I began to wonder why. Why so much chaos? Why so much suffering?

Do we or can we create suffering? Yes, we most definitely can and do. God creates through the powers of the Universe. We create through thought. The thoughts we hold onto manifest around us. We cannot control the thoughts that come to us, but we can give direction to them. We can let go of the thoughts that create harm. Every good thing we do, every good thing we say, every good thing we think surrounds us and vibrates outward. Through dedicated intention we can consciously choose the thoughts we hold onto, the activities we participate in, the people we surround ourselves with. We cannot control the events that happen in our lives but through the thoughts we hold, we are helping to create the conditions around us. Suffering happens in the mind. Want to change your life? You've got to change your mind.

Om Ah Hung
Only think good thoughts, say good things and do good deeds.

Eventually, we are all faced with the decision to stay a slave of  our self-centered nature or to surrender to the Divine Nature that is guiding us. In the end, it all goes according to Divine Order anyway. Our attempts to struggle against it is the suffering we experience. It is just that the our self-absorbed, fearful, clinging ego wants what it wants. If we can simply remember to be truthful, to love and to serve, we don't have worry about what is right or wrong, whether we are doing good or not. There is evil in the world because we lie to ourselves and others, because we are afraid to love, because we want to control. What someone else thinks, says or does is not up to us and no matter how close they are to us, we can do nothing to change them or fix them. We all must stop struggling, judging and fighting with each other. Truly, if we can't love and support each other, then we should stay away from each other until we can.

The "work" is internal. Our issues are not someone else's fault. Our issues come from the places within our self that are not wholesome, where we don't accept our self, where there is no love. Every time we point the finger at someone else, we miss an opportunity to grow. There is just too much negativity in the world. We all need to pull our acts together. The time is now to create the conditions so that good flourishes. Thoughts are vibrations that have the power we give them. Don't waste your power to defeat yourself and others. Let's use our power for the greater good. Every encouraging, kind word, every act of service, every loving gesture, every expression of admiration, every nurturing touch, every compassionate thought, every single good vibration we send out manifests more of the same.
Om Ah Hung

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