Friday, September 20, 2013


Jealousy is a fiery redhead with intense green eyes. Interesting thing about her is that most of the time she behaves herself. But when she's bad, she's really BAD. I can't remember ever inviting her in for tea, but somehow I end up entertaining her now and then. She hangs out with a rotten crowd, Fear, Anger, Insecurity and Envy. All of which I wish would just move out of town, but what to do? When I ignore her, she and Anger just get louder. When I entertain her, she brings her friends Fear and Insecurity, and they talk so incessantly that they begin to sound like voices coming from my own head. Her friend, Envy, is just bad news. I locked him out once, and he just replaced the door with a new lock, one in which he owned the key. I found the thing to do when this group of shady characters shows up is to invite them, but I make sure I have some of my friends with me. Courage and Truth are the first I call. They have a way of giving Jealousy a reality check that quiets her down. Anger and Envy just leave when Love and Compassion show up. It takes all kinds. It's better to make friends with your demons, resisting them only puffs up their egos. Acceptance taught me this.

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