Jealousy is a fiery redhead with intense green eyes. Interesting thing about her is that most of the time she behaves herself. But when she's bad, she's really BAD. I can't remember ever inviting her in for tea, but somehow I end up entertaining her now and then. She hangs out with a rotten crowd, Fear, Anger, Insecurity and Envy. All of which I wish would just move out of town, but what to do? When I ignore her, she and Anger just get louder. When I entertain her, she brings her friends Fear and Insecurity, and they talk so incessantly that they begin to sound like voices coming from my own head. Her friend, Envy, is just bad news. I locked him out once, and he just replaced the door with a new lock, one in which he owned the key. I found the thing to do when this group of shady characters shows up is to invite them, but I make sure I have some of my friends with me. Courage and Truth are the first I call. They have a way of giving Jealousy a reality check that quiets her down. Anger and Envy just leave when Love and Compassion show up. It takes all kinds. It's better to make friends with your demons, resisting them only puffs up their egos. Acceptance taught me this.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Jealousy is a fiery redhead with intense green eyes. Interesting thing about her is that most of the time she behaves herself. But when she's bad, she's really BAD. I can't remember ever inviting her in for tea, but somehow I end up entertaining her now and then. She hangs out with a rotten crowd, Fear, Anger, Insecurity and Envy. All of which I wish would just move out of town, but what to do? When I ignore her, she and Anger just get louder. When I entertain her, she brings her friends Fear and Insecurity, and they talk so incessantly that they begin to sound like voices coming from my own head. Her friend, Envy, is just bad news. I locked him out once, and he just replaced the door with a new lock, one in which he owned the key. I found the thing to do when this group of shady characters shows up is to invite them, but I make sure I have some of my friends with me. Courage and Truth are the first I call. They have a way of giving Jealousy a reality check that quiets her down. Anger and Envy just leave when Love and Compassion show up. It takes all kinds. It's better to make friends with your demons, resisting them only puffs up their egos. Acceptance taught me this.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Today is Not a Good Day to Fall Apart

One of my favorite lines is from a Talking Head's song... "Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens." Perhaps that makes hell the place where everything happens? Hell is a place the mind moves through. Heaven is a place the mind rests in. My mind, by it's very nature, is restless and often uncontrollable. I ask myself, "If I were able to control my mind, who is this that would do this controlling?" I have never come up with a satisfying answer.
What if the mind were given the freedom to be restless? How long could it be restless before it sought rest on it's own out of sheer exhaustion or perhaps even boredom? The truth is the mind cannot be controlled. It can only be attracted and distracted, attached and not attached. We often don't realize we are in heaven when we are there, because it is so non-eventful our mind doesn't bother to show up. A restful mind is one that has been engaged in positive ways. A restless mind is one that has been engaged in negative ways. If we find ourselves hanging on by that last thread, it's a sign we have already fallen apart. We might as well let go of it, and watch the cards fall.
All of our wrong moves, poor decisions and missed beats have already happened. We are simply experiencing the results of our past actions. The mind cannot rest in hell. How long it's journey through it is depends on how tightly we are clinging to the past, how fearful we are of the future and how content we are with nothingness. All good minds go to heaven.
I am reminded this morning to play good games. I don't know how this reminder came to me anymore than I know who controls my mind. My mind does not want to sit, so I will watch it dance it's drama out until it wears weary from it. I suppose I will hold onto this last thread until it breaks, which it will. They always do. I suppose I will fall down into the pits of hell, and then I will crawl, climb or claw out. I always do. I suppose my "House of Cards" will be blown down, and again I will rebuild. I always do. History repeats itself, because the mind repeats itself.
The mind creates stories and then lives them out. Play good games and tell good stories, but don't fool yourself. Hanging onto to heaven while you are in hell, will only keep you in limbo. A free fall down into the fiery pits will catapult you out faster than you can say "Abracadabra." Accept your existence. You really have no other choice. Think good thoughts. Say good things, and do good deeds. And when you can't, accept your defeat, then go ahead and fall apart. All of God's angles will put you back together again. They always do.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Accepting What IS

The slippery slope of truly understanding the philosophy of Non-doing and ultimately realizing it, begins with the mind. The mind seems to be the problem. As seductive as sounds to be free of the feelings or responsibility, guilt and shame, it is just not that easy. It is dangerous to assume we are not responsible for anything when we still feel a solid doer present. Non-doing is never an excuse for acting out of alignment with Divine Order. To use Non-doing as an excuse for our actions as result of fear, jealously and greed only shows our investment in doership. A mind that refuses to accept it experiences fear, jealously and greed is a mind that cannot accept it is not the doer.
When life is beautiful it easy to accept Divine Order but when life is ugly, we cannot understand how Divine Order can be so cruel. There is suffering and rest assured, we will experience it. It is impossible for the mind to fully grasp the mystery of Divine Order, and even more impossible for the mind to believe it is not the doer. It's not just you. No one wants to suffer, and everyone wants to be happy. Our suffering and unhappiness is not God's fault. It is the result of our unmindful, unconscious living... yours, mine and theirs.
The realization of Non-doing happens through observing the mind do what it does, not controlling the mind doing what it does. Any controlling going on is going on in the mind, not by Divine Order. In becoming more conscious of the antics of our mind, our emotional body, our personality, our ego, we begin to notice how fickle and fictitious it actually is. When we catch how ridiculous we are, how fearful we are, how jealousy and greedy we are, we don't want to accept that is who we are. So, we either make up a story of an image that is more acceptable to us, or we realize that just can't be who we are. When we no longer believe the mind, we collide with truth of our self.
I have seen many a "non-doer", including myself, throw the philosophy out the window when the going gets tough, and start grasping for control trying to uphold the house of cards we've built. It is in these times of suffering, when we are absorbed in our fear or utterly fed up and disillusioned with life, that we are given the opportunity to break the mind's clutching to a reality that does not exist.
It is in this breakdown, we accept the mind, the ego, the individual "I" in all it's mucked-up-ness... in all it's insanity, with all it's fears, jealousies and greediness. It may or may not happen over night. It may or may not happen even in this lifetime, but eventually we realize the truth. Eventually, the mind merges into the background of existence. Eventually, we are free.
May we always remember... "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."
Monday, September 2, 2013
because we have a "truthful" feeling, it doesn't mean that is who we
truthfully are. Mostly we are imposters, and our feelings can't be
trusted. We pose as this and pose as that in search of who we really
are. Unfortunately, we believe our feelings, and our feelings constantly
change. My angry self is not the "real" me; however if I am in denial
of my anger, my greed, my jealously, my pain, I can never get past it
and my awareness of my angry self grows.
The ego is a fictional
character, but it is often who we believe our self to be. It is quite
difficult to get handle on who this character is, as we are constantly
creating and recreating this personality based on an image we would like
to project. It is our belief in this fictitious character that feeds it
and wears the grooves of our psychic patterning. Beliefs are fueled by
our emotions. The stronger the emotion, the more rigid the belief. Our
emotions are like a computer program and it's language is our
When we can recognize our patterning, we can go
beyond our conditioned responses. To go beyond our conditioning, we
must accept that our perceptions may need to be corrected. We are not
who we see ourselves to be. We are who we know ourselves to be. We do
not have to believe anything about ourselves to be. If we are trying to
convince anyone that we are anything, then we can rest assured we are
still trying to convince our self. Believing does not lead to
conviction. Believing is a feeling. Acceptance leads to conviction. When
we are convinced that all we will ever be, we already are right here,
right now... we are free.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Beyond Limits
Truth is simple; however it is not so simple
to live it. It is the immaturity of a soul that creates complex
interpretations of truth in efforts to maintain it's individual
interpretations. In other words, to keep fooling ourselves by making
up our own version. It is life that teaches the soul and with it's
teaching, the soul matures. It not that we need to learn anything that
we don't already know. It is that we need to uncover the truth already
within us that has been veiled by our layers of conditioned patterns and
fears. Living the truth of who we are takes a courage beyond the normal
human tendency and a faith unfathomable by a normal mind. But what is
normal? What is madness? A life truly lived is beyond the limits of
normal. Be madly, passionately fearless. Cultivate irrational, insane
faith. Go beyond the limits. Live juicy.
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