In front of me was a mother with her 3 children. The older daughter looked to be around 12 and the younger one around 9. The son was probably about 6. From the way they were dressed I would guess they were Mennonites or from some Christian conservative group. The Mom wore no makeup. Her and the girls wore ankle length skirts and had their hair pulled back. I noticed how I judged them when I saw them. Wondering what is the purpose for dressing so matronly and imagining they were probably home schooled, over protected and not given any freedom to be themselves.
I was exhausted from the day, and I am sure I looked it. I also probably looked impatient. The older girly turned to me, and I think tuned into to me. She gave me the sweetest smile and said, "It is really busy in here tonight isn't it? It has been such a long day. I can't wait to get home and home and eat my dinner." Exactly all of my thoughts, but delivered in such a sweet way. All three children were helping their mother with taking things from the cart and putting the bagged items back in it. The daughter apparently got that sweet smile and soothing voice from her mother, because her mother was just as charming. She asked me how I cooked something I had in my cart and ask if I fared the recent ice storm okay. The boy proudly showed me his new motorcycle toy, and with great excitement, giggling all the while, the younger of the two sisters explained to me how the toy worked and what her brother was going to do with it. They made me laugh with their excitement over it.
With such harmony I watched this family complete their task together. With such sweetness they dealt with the clerk. With such sincere interest they connected with me. Did that little girl know I had a long day and was feeling impatient? Did that mother know I needed to see a warm smile and hear a friendly voice? I was touched by a family of little of angels, I felt. Ashamed of myself for my judgements and impatience, but grateful to be shown something beautiful anyway. I don't know if they were Mennonites, Amish, Conservative Christians or Angels, but I was kissed by their sweetness and I imagine that I won't be so quick to judge next time. If being home schooled and looking matronly has such a positive effect, I think I need to buy some ankle length skirts and pull my hair back.
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