Saturday, April 13, 2013

Evolution of the Human

Our consciousness is very complex. This complexity can be overwhelming and also very thick. There is a  Divine Order to our evolutionary process. It unfolds systematically so that we evolve rather than go mad.  The mind needs form and organization so that can take in vastness of  all that IS in way that does not blow our minds. 

First, we are given one thing to focus on.  That first thing is survival.If you ever feel you need grounding, just eat some food. It will take you to the your roots immediately. It is the most primordial desire we have.
Once we realize we can survive, we will not go hungry and our life is not in danger, we can begin to notice the world around us. Our emotional body is then developed, and we seek relationship. After we feel connected to the world, the desire to feel, to love and to share our life with others remains a part of us. We start to feel empowered by knowing we are safe, we will be fed and we will be loved. A foundation has been laid and we begin to question what is our relationship to the world, and how can I best utilize this relationship. At this stage, we have a fully developed ego.

 It is at this level where most of the world is stuck. Do I use my powers for good or evil? Do I continue to feed myself, protect myself and fulfill my desires, or do I use this empowerment, this intelligence and this abundance for, not only my highest good, but to the highest good of others as well? It is at this level, the human being can transcend the animal. Until then, minus a tail and all our thinking, we are pretty much the same. 

When we transcend our animal consciousness, the door to our heart is opened, and the waters of compassion flood our being.  It is here that we integrate and begin to express the beauty of our divinity.  As the fullness of our Divine expression comes to fruition, the veil of Maya becomes transparent, and the Seed of our Consciousness is revealed.  The perfection of our Divine Self is realized.

This evolution occurs at different rates within different individuals, but the same system is programmed in every human being. This, my friends, is the only destiny we have. It may take aeons, but eventually we all evolve. 

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