It's All God

all God. If I were to only be allowed one thought to be with me
throughout eternity it would be, “It’s all God.” If I could only know
one thing throughout my entire existence it would be, “It’s all God.”
If I could only remember one thing it would be, “It’s all God.”
If all my thoughts, feelings, knowledge and memory were aligned with
this awareness, then I would see God, feel God, and remember God in
every moment, in every experience, in everything of this world and
everything beyond it. I would see beauty in the ugliest of creatures. I
would feel bliss through the worst of suffering. I would know
clarity in the most chaotic of times.
What we seek, seek us.
If I am only seeking God, then God is all I will find.
Self-recollectedness is not only the remembrance of who we are, it is
the merging and integration of our being as it is in alignment with this
realization, “It’s all God.” There is not a single thing in existence
that God does not reside in. There is not a thought, feeling or
experience that did not come from God. To see God, we only need look for
God. To remember God, we only need to think of God. To know God, we
must reach beyond the illusion, and seek only Truth.
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