Connection is an interesting concept. When I
feel as if I am connected to someone, I am feeling that someone is
understanding me and I am understanding them. When I no longer
understand that person or feel misunderstood, I feel disconnected. It
takes the reference point of “I” to feel either connected or
disconnected. If I feel connected, I must feel connected to something
or someone. When I feel that I need to
connect, that means I must be feeling a definite sense of an “I” that is
not “you.” When I am feeling connected, the boundaries of you and I
become less defined. The percentage that I feel connected defines how
sharp or how blurry those lines are drawn. When I am feeling 100%
connected, connection itself because a mute point. Then connection
becomes merging, and I think beyond merging is integration. Integration
is when I can no longer remember you or me, and there is only one of
Disconnection happens when we resist, when we pull back, when we are fearful. Really crazy thing is that connection brings us joy and disconnection brings us sadness; however, it is often easier for us to disconnect, to resist, to pull back and to get back in our box than it is to let go, dive in, face ourselves and blast the container separating us from the connection we so deeply desire.
I am a big fan of “The Course in Miracles. “ In the Course it says that there are only two experiences we can have, and we can’t experience them at the same time... love or fear. If I am feeling love for you and from you, I cannot be afraid of you. If I am feeling afraid of you, I cannot be feeling love for you or from you. I am not talking about romantic or emotional love; I am talking about love in the sense of a deep and profound connection. Emotions are just whatever they are. They come and they go. They rise and they fall. The less importance we give to their fluctuating and impermanent existence, the more connected we become.
Emotional connection, no matter how sweet it is, will not last. It is not possible. Emotions or experiences we hold onto too tightly only become suffering. It is our resistance and holding on that shifts our awareness from love to fear. We should celebrate bliss, happiness and joy. We should endure anger, sadness and pain, but never should we try to hold onto that which is most elusive by nature. All thoughts are passing, all feelings are passing and all experiences are ever changing. If you aren’t experiencing love, than fear less. If you aren’t experiencing fear, then love more. Everything is a chain reaction. Be that which you seek.
Disconnection happens when we resist, when we pull back, when we are fearful. Really crazy thing is that connection brings us joy and disconnection brings us sadness; however, it is often easier for us to disconnect, to resist, to pull back and to get back in our box than it is to let go, dive in, face ourselves and blast the container separating us from the connection we so deeply desire.
I am a big fan of “The Course in Miracles. “ In the Course it says that there are only two experiences we can have, and we can’t experience them at the same time... love or fear. If I am feeling love for you and from you, I cannot be afraid of you. If I am feeling afraid of you, I cannot be feeling love for you or from you. I am not talking about romantic or emotional love; I am talking about love in the sense of a deep and profound connection. Emotions are just whatever they are. They come and they go. They rise and they fall. The less importance we give to their fluctuating and impermanent existence, the more connected we become.
Emotional connection, no matter how sweet it is, will not last. It is not possible. Emotions or experiences we hold onto too tightly only become suffering. It is our resistance and holding on that shifts our awareness from love to fear. We should celebrate bliss, happiness and joy. We should endure anger, sadness and pain, but never should we try to hold onto that which is most elusive by nature. All thoughts are passing, all feelings are passing and all experiences are ever changing. If you aren’t experiencing love, than fear less. If you aren’t experiencing fear, then love more. Everything is a chain reaction. Be that which you seek.