We point. We aim. We shoot, and we often miss the mark. We are so quick to condemn ourselves and others for breaking promises, for failing to follow through and for not meeting our expectations or even our own intentions. The difference between what we intend to do and what we actually end up doing is often a far distance.
On only the fourth day of my 30-day writing challenge I goofed off. I just forgot to write. It just slipped my mind. This is how life is. This why the world we imagine is not the world we live in. If we lived deliberately, masterfully and truthfully 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we might start living the life we imagine. However, we don't live deliberately, masterfully and truthfully. We often live contrary to what we believe and what we say, but it's okay. It's all okay. We are conscious, and we are breathing.
As long as we are conscious and breathing it's going to be okay. We are a work in progress. Self-mastery and truthfulness are challenging disciplines, but make the journey easier. They help us to miss the mark less. Until we have mastered them, we repeat the process until we hit the target. This process teaches us humility, a lessen that will help us bridge the gap between our intentions and our actions. Often when our intentions collide with the tides of the world, our intentions change in midstream. This makes life interesting; however, require letting go and humility that are often rough waters to swim through. Loving each other and ourselves is really hard when we keep breaking promises, when we keep failing to follow through, when we don't meet expectations, when the life we imagined is something entirely different than the life we are living. But we must. Above all we must love each other and our ourselves more and more and more.
When we start living deliberately, when our intentions merge with our actions, when we walk our talk, we will meet Truth. Until then, we keep pointing, aiming and shooting. We keep loving ourselves in spite of ourselves. We keep growing. We grow into Truth.
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