What is your problem of the day? Have you ever noticed that when one problem is solved, a new one comes to take it's place? We often try to "fix" our inner problems by getting better at the external games we've always played, keeping us stuck in the patterns we've always held. We tend to rely on our mind to solve our problems. If we could realize that the advice of the mind often comes from our distorted thoughts of fear, we would realize the mind is disturbed and stop listening to it.
If we don't address our problems from the very root, it is like using a band-aide on a gushing wound. External changes will not solve your problems. First step is to STOP. Stop expecting your mind to fix our problems. Second step is to LOOK. Watch the mind play it's games, and you will realize you are not this mind and not get sucked into it. You are only the witness of it. Third step is LISTEN. From the vantage point of the witness, the mind and all its disturbed thoughts and fears, becomes like white noise in the background, and we are able to hear the call of our True Self.
Resting in this awareness you will notice your energy shift. Your problems do not get solved. You simply realize you never had any to begin with. You are not your problems. You've just been listening to your mind and instead of watching the drama of life, you got sucked into being that drama. You got sucked into it because you never stop or look or listen to what is really going on. Your patterns of conditioning keep you distracted with all your shoulds, shouldn'ts, needs and wants keeping you planning for the future and lamenting over the past. This keeps us stuck in patterns (samskaras) of the psyche, playing old tapes over and over again instead of celebrating the joy of our existence.
There is no doing anything. We are just here being conscious as we always have been. Just because we got sucked into the psyche doesn't mean we weren't still here being conscious. We just weren't paying attention to it. We are always here and never there, just aware that thoughts and emotions are being created around us while the world unfolds before our senses
Thank you for sharing Yogini Uma!