Monday, November 9, 2015

Pandora's Box

Hope is big man with broad shoulders and sparkling eyes. Quite the gentlemen and most chivalrous, you can always count on him.  He has a solution to every problem and never gives up.  He was the first to believe in Fulfillment even when everyone else said she couldn’t be trusted.  Not one to repress his desires, he cherishes them with utmost expectation. During Truth’s crusade, he walked through the darkest of nights in the deepest of jungles with Courage, Faith and Certainty to rescue lost souls. Always let him know how much he’s appreciated. He doesn’t stay where he is not wanted, and you will miss him sorely when he’s gone. 


It was the curiously, naughty child, Pandora, who opened the box and released all the problems of the world.  Seduced by it's mystery, she became completely fixated on knowing the contents of that wicked box.  It might have been her devilish curiosity that caused her to lift the lid but if it weren't for her courage, she would not have opened the box a second time to let Hope out. Just as Pandora could not resist the temptation of lifting the lid to discover what mystery lay inside, I find the seduction of my emotions an irresistible indulgence.


Keeping the lid on my overly emotional being is often a struggle.  There are a lot of us highly sensitive souls who ride the emotional roller coaster. I have been "me" a long time, so I  have grown quite used to my sudden twists and turns and my highs and lows.  Although sometimes I think I may seem scary to others, I am not afraid of the depth of my feelings. Feeling deeply is not a curse. It is simply just the way some of us are wired. It takes all kinds to maintain balance in the world. If there were only architects and no builders, nothing would ever be built. If there were only artists and no engineers, nothing would ever work. If there were only thinkers and no feelers, nothing would bring joy. If there were only feelers and no thinkers, nothing would ever make sense.


If you are a one of the sensitive ones, feel blessed. Your life is richer and fuller because of it.  If you're not but you love one of these creatures, feel blessed. They can expose you to a world of beauty and wonder beyond your wildest imaginings.  Even though she was afraid, Pandora could not resist the sweet voice of Hope and her pleas to be freed from the box.  In our hearts rests Pandora's Box, a collection of stories we tell about the events of our lives, some good, some bad and some wickedly painful. They are nothing more than stories and can cause us no harm unless we keep them locked up to fester. If we try to lock up all our problems, our pain and our suffering, we cannot help but lock away our solutions, our healing and our joys with them. With the courage of little Pandora, discover what mysteries lay inside solid in the knowing that Hope is always there and can be counted upon to make things sweet again. Curiosity won't kill us, but fear just might. 

Be transparent. Be brave. Live out loud.