We know, and we know we know. Our common sense knows the truth. It is our belief systems that are often quite faulty. What is true, is true and will hold up to any skepticism or interrogation. The lies that we tell our self to protect our image and the lies that others tell us to protect their image, cannot hold a candle to the light of truth. If we can accept the fact that we lie to our self and that others will lie to us, the lies that we believe will simply dissipate when we choose not to believe them any longer. Yes, it's a choice.
Common sense is that voice inside that doesn't waiver. It is the voice that tells us when we are too much, when we are too emotionally indulgent, when we spend too much, when we eat too much, when we drink too much... when we are wasting our time, energy and money. Our common sense does not need any acceptance, support or validation. It is simply present with it's wisdom. We waste our time, energy and money on attempting to accept, support and validate the lies we choose to believe, because we want to be accepted, because we are afraid to open the wounds where we have been hurt, because we need validation of our presence rather than simply being present.
We cannot believe that we are enough, that the world is enough, that we have enough. We cannot accept that we are already smart enough, beautiful enough and rich enough. However, we believe others when they tell us we are not good enough. We believe a societal norm that says we do not have enough. We believe our self, that we are not lovable enough. Common sense knows this is not true. Common sense knows that's it's all okay, that we are okay and that the world is okay.
Common sense understands and trusts Divine Order. Fear knows only chaos and trusts nothing. Fear is the shaking, quivering voice that tells us we are prey and the world is our predator. And it's simply just not true. The only way to hear the voice of our own common sense is to stop lending our ears to the screaming and ranting of our fears. Common sense is like the sound of a steady drum beat. Fear is like the screeching of a wounded animal. Choose which you prefer to listen to and turn your ears that direction. Follow the drum beat of your own common sense and your fears will settle in the backseat. Life is not always easy, not always beautiful, not always clean. Sometimes it's hard and ugly and messy. When life is sweet, stop and celebrate it. When life is difficult, just keep walking on the path and let common sense be your guide.