Do you want to be right or be happy? The inability to forgive ourselves and others is what keeps us in a state of duality rather than Oneness. When we fail to forgive it is because our ego is in conflict with our Spirit. Our ego wants to judge and blame. Our Spirit sees only purity and innocence. Arguing with our Self is a loosing battle. The parts of ourselves that are unkind and unforgiving are not our faults. They are our wounds. Ego does not need to win. Ego needs to heal.
For our wounds to heal, we must accept the ugly parts of ourselves. When realize we are just as much capable of inflicting wounds as we are feeling the wounds inflicted upon us, an opening in our consciousness enables us to see cords of connection to each other rather than walls of separation; And compassion blooms. It is this conscious part of us, that can forgive. We may never forget where we buried the hatchet, but we can rewrite the story.
It is the stories we hold onto that create the grooves in our psyche the define our wholesomeness or our fragmentation. Spirit does not see a victim or a villain. Spirit only knows love. Ego only knows fear. If our mind is oriented in the ego's needs, wants and desires, we continue to fuel fear. When the mind becomes oriented in Spirit, we serve love. We cannot serve to masters.
We can read all the books, take all the workshops, philosophize with all greatest minds but until we gain some self-mastery over our mind and mind becomes aligned with Spirit, we are merely swimming in a lost sea of suffering. Let go of the idea that you can fix your ego. You can't be fixed. Accept the holy mess that you and everyone else is, and just move on.
Forgiveness is "selective remembering." Be conscious how you write your stories. Do you want to remember the love or the pain? It truly is your choice. Do you want live in fear and build walls to keep you isolated from existence, or do you want to live in love merging in an ocean of divine bliss? When forgiveness knocks at your door, ask yourself, "Do I want to be right or be happy? If happiness is what you truly want, then ego will have to accept being wrong. If ego can't accept being wrong, you are not even ready to bury the hatchet. Don't kid yourself. Mind must be in right alignment first. When our thoughts and actions are directed toward God, mind aligns. Serve, Love, Meditate, Realize... Forgive.
For our wounds to heal, we must accept the ugly parts of ourselves. When realize we are just as much capable of inflicting wounds as we are feeling the wounds inflicted upon us, an opening in our consciousness enables us to see cords of connection to each other rather than walls of separation; And compassion blooms. It is this conscious part of us, that can forgive. We may never forget where we buried the hatchet, but we can rewrite the story.
It is the stories we hold onto that create the grooves in our psyche the define our wholesomeness or our fragmentation. Spirit does not see a victim or a villain. Spirit only knows love. Ego only knows fear. If our mind is oriented in the ego's needs, wants and desires, we continue to fuel fear. When the mind becomes oriented in Spirit, we serve love. We cannot serve to masters.
We can read all the books, take all the workshops, philosophize with all greatest minds but until we gain some self-mastery over our mind and mind becomes aligned with Spirit, we are merely swimming in a lost sea of suffering. Let go of the idea that you can fix your ego. You can't be fixed. Accept the holy mess that you and everyone else is, and just move on.
Forgiveness is "selective remembering." Be conscious how you write your stories. Do you want to remember the love or the pain? It truly is your choice. Do you want live in fear and build walls to keep you isolated from existence, or do you want to live in love merging in an ocean of divine bliss? When forgiveness knocks at your door, ask yourself, "Do I want to be right or be happy? If happiness is what you truly want, then ego will have to accept being wrong. If ego can't accept being wrong, you are not even ready to bury the hatchet. Don't kid yourself. Mind must be in right alignment first. When our thoughts and actions are directed toward God, mind aligns. Serve, Love, Meditate, Realize... Forgive.