The Course in Miracles tells us that there are only two emotions, love and fear. If we are not experiencing love, we are experiencing fear. It is an either or kind of deal. We cannot experience them both at the same time. Darkness is absence of light, and fear is absence of love. To dispel darkness, we must turn on the light. To fear less, we must love more.
We will find whatever we are seeking in life. If we see someone's innocence, it is because that is what we want to see. In turn, if we see someone as guilty, it is because that is what we want to see. The world is as we see it. If we think that we are imagining things, we are. Our perceptions create our individual realities. Our individual realities are not necessarily universal realities or the truth. The pointing, judging, vengeful finger ultimately reverses direction to accuse and punish no other than our own self.

We can never change ours or another's wrongful behaviors by pointing the accusatory finger. Forgiveness happens when we accept ourselves and others just as they are right now. This doesn't mean we won't get angry. This doesn't mean we won't get hurt. If just means, we won't prolong our suffering from lack of love because we are afraid to get angry or be hurt. I am not suggesting that we ignore and stuff our feelings. We must realize that our anger and hurt is just that, ours. To understand ourselves we must express ourselves in relationships. Nothing but disease, whether physical or emotional, comes from holding in our feelings. However, our feelings don't belong to anyone else, and they are not the responsibility of anyone else.
When we behave unlovingly, it is because we have forgotten who we are. We have gone to sleep. To stay awake, we turn on the light. To turn on the light, we must simply be truthful. Fear is a lie. Only love is real. The most profound and meaningful statement I ever heard comes from the Course:
"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."
It is impossible for us to fix anything about ourselves or anyone else. Only God can cure and heal. For that to happen we must accept the truth of ourselves and others. What we seek, seeks us. If we want to experience more love, then we must go to the very core of our being and extract it from the endless depths of our reservoir residing there. Once tapped into, love will just pour out with reckless abandonment. Situations and people do not need our fixing. They need our love.
If we are angry, we are afraid. If we are manipulative, insensitive or cruel, we are afraid. All fears are a cry for love. How can we truthfully ignore a cry for love? We can't, and our ignorance is also a cry for love. It is the wounded ego that cries for love. Since only God can cure and heal, the wounded ego must ultimately surrender to God. No religion, no teacher, no lover or even our own personal will can heal the wounded ego. Once we can accept our helplessness, our humanness and our lovelessness, we have opened the door to our heart so that all the love and healing we need can pour in.
Acceptance comes through truthfulness. You are not who you think you are. We must transcend the broken parts of ourselves by realizing the truth of who we are. We were made from love. We are made of love. To know thyself, love thyself. Nothing is up to you. It's all up to God. To know love, seek love. Seek love, and it will seek you.